Saturday 21 November 2015

Book Review: TARA DAIRMAN'S All Four Stars & The Stars of Summer[Sequel]

Hehee hellu y'all!:) It's been a while & I have no idea what to post so I'm back to the nerdy me & It's always therapeutic & relaxing to be able to hold a book and read it within one sitting!^^ haha times like that are really hard to come by especially since I've been quite busy with school & projects!

Anyway the book (Or should I say bookS!) I've read are children books which are probably for junior readers! I KNOW I'm old already but who says we can't go back to picking up a nice children's book to have a good read!! [I HAVE A CONFESSION- I really like reading children's books!! Of course a nice youth/adult book would be nice too! hehee books are still books after all!!]

& Yeap!! 
I wouldn't be sharing with you guys these books weren't nice to read!

Actually the story behind me picking up these two books revolved around the younger brother's love for books that my mom borrows for him>.< WHOOPSIES but yeah I sort of stole the bruh's reads hehee;) U know when you're too lazy to go to library to pick up a nice book to read when u really have the feels to read so if the bro reads too why not just "borrow" from him hahahha!

So All Four Stars' won the Amazon Best Book of the Month: July 2014 & there's a reason why!! It's no doubt a really good read!
If you love reading about small adventures & about FOOD! You'll sure love this book!!

Written in a third person's perspective, we can see Gladys Gatsby's life slowly unfolding as she faces each of her life challenges! & the fact that she has a strong passion to COOK & to WRITE just that her parents (& schoolmates!) don't know that! They actually FORBID Gladys from cooking in the kitchen like most parents in fear that they will DESTROY THE WHOLE KITCHEN! (Hehee I'm sure some of your parents are like that huh!) Like KABOOMZ! then the whole kitchen will be in a mess hahhahahaha& the food her parents bring back just sounds TERRIBLY MORBID & really disgusting! I could totally feel how Gladys was feeling, trying to eat all the horrible fast- food etc.! Blech!!
Her talent for writing was soon found out when her class was assigned an essay & the best was was to be sent in to the New York Standard to be competed among other essays! Somehow the story takes a twist when her essay wasn't found where it was meant to be!

WELL if I tell you more I'll be telling you the whole summary of the story & will be no fun reading it already! ><

So what I felt after reading this book was that we should not let the world & other judgements tell us what we should or should not do & just go with your PASSION & don't be afraid to DREAM BIG!

After reading All Four Stars, I felt that the whole story was really well planned out & the description of the FOOD was incredible! I was picturing the food so clearly in my head hahhaha especially the part where Sandy goes over for dinner and the food Glady's parents whipped up sounds terrifyingly unappetizing! HAHAHAHA I also particularly like the way Tara actually builds the characters in the book! The characters are very understandable & interesting which just makes the whole book even more enticing!

It was an overall really pleasant read & really relatable as well!!


This brings me to the SEQUEL of All Four Stars which is The Stars of Summer!
I'm probably not someone that would want to read sequels and like book series ços its like playing catchup  & that feeling is just a NONO hahaha but this time its just an exception!! So I guess there's only TWO books so it probably isn't all that bad!

Yuppadidoodles! Here is how it looks like hehee!

So Gladys' restaurant reviews continue on into this book!! Her adventures with Sandy on getting the food tasting requirement doesn't stop even as they are all sent to different camp where (Sandy to Karate Camp & Gladys to Camp Bently, her birthday present from Charissa!)
That's where Gladys meets Hamilton & a new relationship (& character!) is developed! Hamilton being the high-and-mighty "celebrity" isn't well-liked at all but GO GRAB A READ & YOU'LL KNOW THE OUTCOME!

The characters are developed really well and much further as the story is at another setting and Hamilton is introduced! As well written as the first book, it''s really worth the time to read!!

Not like some other books where it can quite long-winded (if your're a bookworm like me you know what I mean!!) & boring, the two books are really well-paced & keeps one entertained throughout the whole read!! For both books, I felt that the story was really well planned out where there's a full connection between the start and the end!:)) It's really something worth praising because I know how hard it is to actually conclude a story and make it linkable & memorable!!

Moreover! This book further enhance & shows how the Gatsby Family's relationship develops which is really sweet!

From my read of The Stars of Summer I actually learnt the importance of honesty (keeping secrets among the ones you trust is a NOPE!) & there are just some relationships where you don't have to be together-TOGETHER until the time is right!

Sighpie, somehow while reading towards the end of the book, it got me thinking like how nowadays relationships are really TOOFAST and after both parties get together and be all loving they just break away as the feeling fades omaigosh relationships are not meant to be that way!!

HEHE okiekokie! Enough of the serious talk maybe we'll get to that topic one day! The ending of The Stars of Summer shows maturity of the characters which I really like!!:) ReallyREALLY wanna applaud Tara for writing such amazing books & as a reader too I bet all her other readers would want to tell that we really enjoy reading her books!! If I saw correctly (in the Acknowledgement section!), she actually planned the whole story for a SUPER long time! REALLY JOB WELL DONE!! **CLAPCLAPCLAP!!**

Okie!! Time for me to go too!! Hope that this blogpost was interesting hehe had the feels for a book review somehow! I had a lot of fun writing this!:))) Remember to grab this for a read kay! See yáll in a bit! Come back soon!~

Thanks For Reading:)

{Just a Little Bit of Kiwi}
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See you soon! 


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