Saturday 17 October 2015

I'm BACK & Here to stay for sure!!

I know even if I give multiple excuses it wouldn't do anything good but here I am back on blogging (After SO LONG Whoopsies) and I'm thinking of creating a YouTube Channel too:) 

I'm not really someone that is really fond of sharing my private life with people that I have never met ie. Strangers!! But I know that we can all learn together & if we just break the ice we won't be strangers anymore but FAMILY! 

Just wanna share a little bit of my experiences and joys in life that you can have fun alongside me and we can both have fun together!

Oh! But before that this is a new blog cos I wanna change my url and so everything changed so a new page seems like it?!! Yeap! If u didnt know I used to blog HERE! hehe u can go ahead and visit there:) Only 3 posts though! GOSH it also shows how bad I actually am at technology! ><

& YIPPIE cos I FINALLY got a NEW & FIRST LAPPIE!! That's why I'm really sure that I'll really continue to blog and (HOPEFULLY!) create videos this time! Previously it would be such a chore cos I had to reach home and ONLY use my home's desktop so YEAHHH! CHEERS!!

I'm still thinking if I should do an overview of my life for the past few months since the starting of 2015! I guess I'll do a recap sometime when its gonna be 2016 soon:) Anyway its just left with a few months only! 2 MONTHS?! WoWWW time really do FLY!

ANDANDAND school's starting this Monday OHNOZ... So why not start before everything becomes super busy & all ya


Hahahaha so HELUU U GUYS! I'm Kee Huey, also known as kiwi or kee hehe yeap nicknames derived from the mispronunciation of my name yeaps! It just so that it became second nature to be called kiwi HAHA:D I'm 17 this year SOOO born in the year of the TIGER if somehow u believe in the zodiac & I'm a CANCER! Similarly if u also believe in the horoscope heheh!>< So I guess u can see if u get along well with me but I don't believe in it HAHAHAH if you're nice we'll probably get along just fine as it is!:)) Imma JUNE BABY! Born on the 30th of June 1998:) INTO SUNNY SINGAPORE!:) High five if you're a Singaporean too!;) OOooo YeaHhh

I'm currently studying Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) in Temasek Polytechnic:) 

SOOO you'll probably have to continue to read on as u get to know me better!:) Just don't be a creep please! hahaha kidding! Luvya:)

Okiedokies I guess I'll see ya real soon!
Kay Byeee!:)


Thanks For Reading:)

{Just a Little Bit of Kiwi}
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See you soon! 


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