Wednesday 20 January 2016


Hello Beautiful creatures of the world:)

I guess I have this sudden urge to wanna blog & write something cos in 2016 I wanna fill my space here with all the wonderful things that has happened! :)

Was just thinking about lyfe & just felt really blessed & amazing although it might not be something really big but really, surround yourself with people that loves & care!

It's crazy how just one person can make your day even with a little gesture & I felt that today:') Really touched omai hehee!

I'm really appreciating the little wonderful things that happens, every single one of them. It doesn't have to be something big but it feels awesome:)

I guess this is just a very short post but look forward to more coming in your way!! WHEEW!:)

HAHA So manymany things to do that is getting me lookin like>


If you're having many things to do/ submit/ chiong, you're not alone alright! Let's do it together!! 

Anyways have a fantastic day & week ahead alright everyone!:))


Thanks For Reading:)

{Just a Little Bit of Kiwi}

See you soon! 


Wednesday 13 January 2016

2015 // Looking Back

Hey y'all cuties!

So it's already 2016 OMAI time is obviously passing TOOFAST gosh HAHAHA m getting OLDER SHIZZ

So here I am looking back to 2015 & just reflecting hehe honestly I don't even know who'll read these haha It's like me writing to myself yeah:') Feels good to write every time:)

Anyways!! 2015 was a pretty drastic year for me since there were A LOT of changes for me (Going into Poly from Secondary school> EVERYTHING is different & the fact that most of my friends & cohort mates went to JC...) which I thought I could handle it all just fine but I guess probably not as well as I expected but HEY! I made it through right! 
Mmm I made it through all fine and good but what's more important is what I've learnt through the experiences is what counts!:) Good or bad there's always something to learn! That's why people say that learning is for lyfe yo! Dontcha think so! 

I wouldn't say that 2015 was an EXTREMELY great year but I guess I did truly enjoy myself some days of the year HEHE & I am always very thankful for whatever that has happened 'cos I'm sure that whatever that happens HAPPENS FOR A REASON (ya as cliche as it sounds HAHA it's true la!) & it'll mould me to a better kiwi ya know! 
Most of the time it's the more unpleasant & challenging situations that helps us to learn more right? Because you'll probably remember it super clearly for a longer period of time since it BAD/NEGATIVE ahaha 'tis true that we humans remember clearly more bad stuff than good hahaha that's what I think!

One thing that I'm sure 2015 helped me in was DISCOVERING myself so much more & can't ever be more grateful:') And I can't ever be SO sure cos 2015 is OUT of my comfort zone, really. 
Even though I might be really happy most of the time but ermz! There's always times that I feel REALLY REALLY lost and like "What am I supposed to do?" & I think it's okay to feel that way ah! But remember to step up and change that "What am I supposed to do?" to "I am supposed to do." CLARIFY! Yeah, if not you'll NEVER know by NEVER KNOW I literally mean NEVER N-E-V-E-R hahaha if you don't find out that is! hahha was that too much HAHAHA

Eitherways! I really really can't be more thankful to have so many loving people in my life & just be surrounded by the people who really cares:') We all need the POSITIVE VIBES whoooo!! 

No matter how ugly you look without makeup/contacts & JUST how cui you look HAHAHA they'll love you who you really are inside & out <3 those are just the best people aww man

Talking about makeup, 2015 made me realise so strongly that society can be SO superficial & just judge you based on your looks which is something I stand so hard against cos I'm someone that believes that there's so much more to an individual than just looks and there's this beauty I see in everyone I meet cos they are just different which is just amazing:') There's no same person in the world & that's just so BEAUTIFUL:') So just be who you are & DON'T try to be someone else!! YOU are beautiful!

I guess everyone does wanna look pretty/ handsome right, but if you're doing it for someone else then hmm maybe it's time to think again! I think that dressing up is always fun u know since young you'll have that beauty vanity table whateva y'all call it HAHAH then we'll have imaginary makeup & OMG the times when you'll go and wear you mom's HIGH HEELS HAHAHAHAH Gosh! Those times man:') 

When I dress up I think it like a hobby! hehe when I feel like it u know if I don't feel like it then just let it be HAHA MAN I NEED EMOJIS IN THIS HAHAHA

That's why going back to keeping the people that truly love you the way you are around you is THIS important! ! <3 They're your pillar of support & will always boost your self esteem, give you the confidence you need because they'll be the one that encourages, compliments you & just be there for you no matter the situation:') 

This is getting real emotional & some real talk goin on hehee! I think this is something worth sharing cos I'm sure it doesn't only apply to me ya know! Whoever you are that has been reading till here omy:') I'm so touched! 

Okie it's been  all words & so boring so I'm gonna do a FLASHBACK in late 2014-2015! Pretty much a summary of Post O Levels hehehe! That gotta be the best time of my life man cos I studied real hard for that and I was struggling pretty badly during that time but it's OVERR!! HAHAHAHA!

Let's start with end 2014 la huh! That's when it's insane cos SECONDARY SCHOOL IS OVAAA!! At FIRST you'll be SO happy it ended HAHA but just wait for the nostalgic feels to come man I really miss Secondary school still:'( HAHAHA not the studying part but more of the environment <3

And I didn't really have a lot of pictures to share until 2015 cos GOSH I didn't have a phone then HAHAHA just so ya know!


//HIGHLIGHTS OF 2014/2015//

Late 2014


I just had to start with my Qtpies la! Nothing can go wrong ever go wrong cos I can't ever be so sure that we'll be friends for LYFE YO! From strangers to classmates to really good friends I'm so blessed to have met you guys:"') Since it's really very rare that we take pictures together! Plus since JC started we haven't even got much time to meet that much I think we only met TWICE?!! Shiats that's really little:"'( But i'm always thinking 'bout you both!! <3 <3 <3

January 2015
HAHAHA With the POOP<3 Random pic after our MASSIVE Kbbq dinner HAHHAHA we ate until we got rushed out cos they were gonna close & we were the last customers left?! HAHHHAHAHA Always love spending time with u<3 <3 <3 Omg If I remebered correctly right, I was tryna get an angle where the light wasn't shining on my giant ZIT LOL PUBERTY PROBLEMS

Just us going for Poly Open Houses WHOOO hehee:) And spending time together!<3

Omg look at us just ONE year back HAHAHA

Hehee! Just had to edit this man! TOO CUTE! Can't believe we finally had a proper meetup after 8 YEARS GOSH! Still kept in contact with them HAHA PRIMARY SCHOOL DAYS! <3 Really blessed to be able to finally meet yÄll and caught up in a day WAOW I think we are superb la hehee!

February 2015

My Gramma is the one that makes our cny every year possible with the amazing cooking skills that she's got :")

Am a hairstylist at 2015's cny:) HAHAHA Really love tying all sorts of fancy hairstyles! <3 That's my cuzz there:)
Call it interest or hobby, my gramma was prolly the one that started this passion growing cos she was always the one tying really pretty hairstyles on me when I was young!

^My paternal cuzzies!:)

 ^Would say that I'm proud of my hairstyling;)

^Fam & Cousins:))

^The relatives!

 ^Mammi! I guess that's where I learnt how to smile:)

Stop 2 @ My 四姨's (Fourth Auntie's) House! Beautifully decorated by my Auntie & Uncle for my cousin's b'day party!:)

My Little Cousin turns ONE! A one year old birthday celebration during CNY:)

 Lo Hei/ Lao Yu Sheng with the Relatives:)

At the same time! My grandpa's birthday is also celebrated!:)) He is at a ripe old age of 80 YEARS ALR!!

So at the maternal side we're the oldest hehe!
Blessed to have such an abundant family<3

I really miss spending more quality time with you...
Since I dunno how many yrs ago I'm just so blessed to have you always around, I miss our long talks and just having your presence, I guess we still do talk but we drifted apart quite a lot... Our perspectives clash & we might not see things eye to eye & 
With work and time doesn't seem to work out for us & all the changes I'm going through I just pray that you'll stay & we can go back to how it used to be, still lav u lots & lots  <3 <3 <3

March 2015

Guess who got a cake SMASH! WHOOOO!!
Enjoyed helping with the decorations:")


April 2015
Can't ever be more grateful that I have you:")

Everything started all fine but apparently school became complicated// Everything happens for a reason, Don't let the things that doesn't matter affect your life:)

May 2015
^Simple birthday celebration for the brother & the Family<3 

<3 <3 <3


^Our first meetup after SOO long<3 Time spent with you guys are always amazing:')

June 2015

Sabah, Malaysia!

^Guud Morninggg FACE Hahahahaha Mumsies!

^That's what happens when you're playing in the Kota Kinabalu Airport HAHA!>,<

^First accommodation!:) It's an amazingly lovely place to stay at!
It's a serviced apartment so it's pretty much like a house!:))

The accommodation that we stayed at is

QQ Boutique Service Apartment

Simple house but it is clean and comfortable, with air conditioning throughout the whole house! Pretty impressed with the simple decorations!

Location wise it's also very centralised and convenient to walk to the nearby everythings HEHEE!

Yeaps, mah family & I walked to all the locations below!

^Dinner location! YUMZ!

Hua Hing Seafood Restaurant!

Yeap! Here for dinner & the seafood were live & fresh with many different varieties!

^After dinner we went to walk at a Filipino Market!

The entrance is all dry & wet food products but as you go deeper into the market they sell food to eat too!

HAHA my fam went a little over with the peanut pancakes over there even though it's pretty ordianry but the chew of the batter is irresistible la! hehe YUMMY YUMMY!! 

^A short lunch stopover on the way to our second accommodation in Tambunan!

We have no idea where this place is, but if I'm not wrong it's the only eatery by the highway if you're travelling by the route! 

It's a very winding route up & down the hills/mountains so BE PREPARED hehee! We had a taxi driver & yaps we paid to be driven to our next location!> The vehicle we used is in the first pic there!^

This eating place is also quite high up the mountain so the temperature is AMAZING like cooling about 24Degrees! Hehee it doesn't sound like it's very low but the normal temperature there is about 30Degrees++!! Very usual for a tropical climate! 

The doggies there are really friendly & adorable!!

Omigosh can I EMPHASISE how DELICIOUS the food were!!
The food tastes like it's restaurant standard no joke MMMM YUMMZ!

The Chef is really good! *THUMBS UP MAN*

& My family is too cute la! <3<3<3 

^We stopped by the 

Tambunan Rafflesia Reserve!

Just lookin' round:)

^ They have a little room/ museum showcasing the instruments played in Indonesia!

'Sup guise;) Can you imagine that this was my Priamary School CCA HAHAHA Angklung! I kinda miss playing it actually, plus you can't really play it alone:'(

I can't be more thankful and appreciative to have my parents<3


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Love the Rural feel here<3 Feels amazing <3

But as of now, they are PERMANENTLY CLOSED! >TAKE NOTE>
Actually when we went there they were also closed for reconstruction to look more appealing and maintained! But my mom met someone who had some connections so we managed to stay there! Thankful:)

Hehee my bruh couldn't wait and so rushed to go rafting WHOO!:)
It's not our first time going rafting & it's ALWAYS FUN YAY!

Yaps! Me & my bro always seem to be sharing a room hehe! <3

^Pretty much how our little hut looks like!:)

It's VERY NORMAL to see these bugs EVERYWHERE in the morning! Especially at the reception area!
Nature is amazing there's SO MANY I can't even HAHA


Some things to note before going!

Remember to wear appropriate footwear & attire cos you never know where the flower is going to bloom & we have to walk some distance into the reserve that is guided with a compulsory tour guide!

It can be pretty steep also so it will be good if you wear footwear with strong grip!
AND! If you're finding a place that is clean with paved floors for comfortable walking, you're prolly not gonna get that cos you'll most likely have to walk in the dirt and climb up on the forest floor!:)

Pic #1- A Budding Rafflesia!

Pic #2- A DEAD Rafflesia

Pic #3- My Mumsie went to smell it cos it's said to smell like ROTTEN FLESH but nope! It doesn't leh, maybe cos it's not as big!
Eitherway! It feels different from what I expected! It's hard! The closest resemblance to the feeling of touching the flower has go to be THIS FUNGI! Hehee! If you've touched that fungi before, it feels pretty similar!

Pic #4- Close up of the Rafflesia!
The pattern of it is just incredible! Mother Nature is extraordinary<3

Yes I took a pic with the flower too!

Blessed to be able to see a Rafflesia cos it's actually very sensitive flower & will only grow under the right conditions! That's why it's so rare nowadays since they don't have the proper habitat to flourish & grow!

Even in the reserve, there was only 2 other flowering Rafflesias when we were there & this was the biggest!

Can you imagine how difficult it is for the flower to actually grow! Hehee!

We had to stop by again to take a pic cos the view was just GORGEOUS!<3

Another stop by this small market place where the locals would sell their produce here!:)

Just a pic in the Van hehe:)

We are going to the WATERFALL!

Doesn't look that big but I can tell ya that it's pretty HUGE

Hehee Cute<3

Back at our accommodation & RAFTING RAFTING HERE WE GO!

AND We went back to Kota Kinnabalu!

Same accommodation as the first but different apartment!:) Still as comfortable:))

Last Dinner!

Home-made lunch by mummie before we left for the airport back to SG!

Thankful to always have the time to spend with each other<3

You can say that walking grocery stores is one of my stress relief and a hobby?! HAHAHA OMIGOSHIES 'tis true<3

Somehow it's really very therapeutic FOR REAL!

Thanks for the simple birthday surprise! <3


July 2015

Omigosh, one of my Fav Chicken locations <3 HAHA

LAV EU poopie <3 <3 <3



Dinner la lalala
50cents Ice cream;)

<3 Guud day <3



Dressed in Red & White am patriotic:)

ArtScience Museum had free entry so!
Was with mah sis but she doesn't like taking pics! :(

We wore Red & White together too! <3

Went to explore Singapore together hehee! All the way to the West to Singapore Discovery Centre!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Study Study Study!!

I guess August ends with exams but JIAYOU! hehee:)


September 2015

Started off the month with watching Inside Out with the BRUH!<3

Food was good, company was good, while it lasted

Hayao Miyazaki Concert by
West Winds, Band of the Bukit Batok Community Club!
Incredible how I haven't been to a proper concert in SO LONG when I actually really love concerts!<3 <3 <3
The experience is a whole new level, especially since it's in a Theatre<3

SUPPORT SUPPORT! They were awesome:)

With them:))

And of course

 nO fACE was too cute la <3

 A surprise birthday steamboat for Lois! <3 <3 <3

Just a random September day:)


Signed my Bro's first cast!! Injured himself while playing rugby!:'(

 Our farewell outing beofre she FLIES!

oKIE we R no joke HAHHAHAHA shizz

Youth Camp 2015!

Me as a "Foodmin";) HAHAHA Ohemgee I didn't even know I held the bottle of oil GOSH HAHA

FUUDFUUDFUUD:)) There's more than these!


"Why you take my spotlight"


Grateful to be able to finally meet & make the programme a success with you <3
HAHA omg your expression tho! But I still lav eu <3 <3 <3

Really thankful to have learnt the process of buying food for a chalet through you<3 And of course blessing the rest with good food to eat & not get hungry everyday! Thankyou for being so patient in teaching me the ordering process & practically EVERYTHING!
I can see why you're a teacher <3 heehe! The students that get you as their teacher would be greatly blessed <3
Thanks for being there when I needed to clarify so many things and especially since you were studying & preparing for your exams:'')

Thankyou Angel Roy:))

Is it in like 2014?!! 
OMaiGosh can you please don't grow UP so fast!!

 Thankful to have them as fellow campers:")

F1 2015!

So thankful that I have you cos you made working so much more fun & I looked forward to seeing you everyday hehee! <3 <3 <3

Learnt so much, Experinced so much


RicePrincess gets OLDER!! <3 <3 <3

Cute leh I also want;)

After BANGBANGBANG & We're still SOBER no worries la!
Singing K is still jjang! HAHAHA!~

Ended Sept with these lovelies!<3 <3 <3 

October 2015!

She's so abundant with so many little nieces & nephews!<3 <3<3


Finally got my first lappie!
even tho that's me;)

Explored Tanjong Katong/ Joo Chiat Road Areas
& had BINGSU for the first time!!

 Surprisingly there wasn't anybody there & we literally just prances across the whole store to take some pics hehee!

But we did walk A LOT!

We actually tried one of the pretty popular wonton noodles: Eng's Wonton Noodle House!

& YES their chilli is really spicy & I heard that's their secret recipe chilli!

We also shared the well-known 328 Katong Laksa!~

 Even after living in Singapore for the past 17 years in my life I still haven't experinced everything here HAHA omigosh!

The Laksa gravy taste is really good and you can taste the strong coconut milk taste:) YUMZ! The gravy is more wholesome & dense as compared to the usual watery laksa gravy!

Hmmm but one thing I can say that I'm not really used to is eating the noodles that are in short pieces and only eaten with a spoon! To me that's unusual haha & I'm a noodle person so I like my noodles long and chewy! Especially the Laksa kinda noodles!:) But yeap preferences do vary!

Awesome day with them as usual!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Even Bingo is dressed so well! <3

Mammi! <3 <3 <3

Doesn't it always happens at wedding banquets? >,<

SIBOS 2015!

Thankful to have worked & met yáll!! <3 <3 <3
It was fantastic to have worked 5 days but it felt like we knew each other for so much longer!:') It was really a memorable experience la! lav yall!!

Yas I did take a pic of the last meal or should I say (LAST SUPPER) HAHA in MBS! 
omigosh I did go a little craycray over the HAM cos it was super delicious?!!
I think I ate this combination for the past few meals also HAHA just toasted bread with ham and salad & mushrooms, but doesn't it look so guuud!!

That's how we met & That's how the journey began <3
How we met was not a coincidence nor was it fate, the time & place of everything was perfection

Much love for them!<3 <3 <3

 So we played the clawclaw machine game then it stuck there:'( HAHA

OUR TIMES// 我们的少女时代 was SO GOOD OKAY!

We went to watch it on the first day it got released!!

Dinner was guuud:)

We meet again LA! :)))


NOvember is Heree!


Lesson with her:)

A random Friday Night Dinnner!:)



 I advertise for you?

Sugar Usherzxc REUNITED! <3

Mandy! You're not forgotten la!! <3 We still lav u!:)
Omigosh Love this!! HAHAHA! Had so much fun taking this together!

Thankyou Mr Sazali!

<3 <3 <3

Appearance of  DA BRUHTHA! <3
And! November Ends!!



Went TOO CRAY in Christmas Wonderland@Gardens By The Bay!!


Am glad that some stuff were settled 
Before the year ended

Penang & Ipoh, Malaysia!

Just a little sneak preview cos I'm thinking of doing a blogpost about my trip soon! So look forward to it okie!

<3 <3 <3


Looking forward to what 2016 wil bring!

So I guess that sums up 2015 for me! If you've read 'till here YOU'RE THE BEST! <3


Thanks For Reading:)

{Just a Little Bit of Kiwi}

See you soon! 
